Archivo de la categoría: Open Call

IV EX New Media Art Open Call en Urvanity


Ex, Asociación de arte electrónico y experimental, presentó los proyectos ganadores de su IV convocatoria internacional en Urvanity, Feria Internacional de Nuevo Arte Contemporáneo, que se celebró en el COAM, Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid, del 21 al 25 de febrero de 2018. El conjunto de obras, seleccionadas entre proyectos procedentes de cinco continentes, reflejaron en su variedad y rigor, la vitalidad y capacidad de propuesta del Media Art actual.

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Seleccionados IV Convocatoria Arte electrónico experimental

EX is pleased to announce the winner works from our Open IV Call. The works will be shown at Urvanity, New Contemporary Art Fair,  from February 21st to February 25th, 2018 in LASEDE at COAM (Official College of Architects of Madrid).

Artist selected IV EX Open Call Experimental New Media Art


The Trained Particles Circus by Patxi Araujo from Spain

The Trained Particles Circus proposes an improbable, precarious and potentially dangerous meeting place caged between the real and the virtual. Embodied in the relationship between a synthetic biomechanics and an automaton, it recreates the figure of the circus artist, the puppet with its own life or the fantastic animal; and it places us as spectators of a contemporary spectacle of hybrid and augmented subjects, mixing light and shadow, fake and magic, virtual and physical reality, machine and organism.

Jury’s decission: The depth and rigor of his research along with the re-visitation of the flea trainer character were the reasons on which this decision was based. The piece proves that Avant-garde art does not necessarily ought to turn its back to solid traditions.

Patxi Araujo (Spain, 1967) is an artist and researcher. Professor at the Faculty of Arts at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. His work combines human narrative, nature and fiction with their digital peers through bodies, perceptions and metaphors coming from programming environments, robotics, artificial life and simulation.  He has made publications and numerous exhibitions and his works have been selected and shown at festivals such as ISEA, Technarte, MADATAC, ADAF, among others.


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Fallo jurado IV Convocatoria arte electrónico experimental

Fallo del Jurado de la IV Convocatoria y premios EX de arte electrónico experimental

(english below)

A cinco de enero de 18. Reunidos en línea a las once horas

Roberta Bosco, Nilo Casares, Jaime González Lavagne y Arturo Moya Villén 

como miembros del Jurado de los IV Premios EX de arte electrónico y experimental, fruto de la IV Convocatoria de arte electrónico y experimental organizada por EX, Asociación de arte electrónico y experimental y Urvanity, Feria Internacional de Nuevo Arte Contemporáneo, en colaboración con L&A Asociados y Veronika VR Solutions.


otorgar el Primer premio, dotado con 1.000 euros, a la obra The Trained Particles Circus de Patxi Araujo (España) porque aúna la investigación profunda y rigurosa con el rescate de una figura del pasado como es la del domador de pulgas, algo que nos ayuda a ver que el arte de vanguardia no tiene por qué dar la espalda a nuestras tradiciones más consolidadas.

El Segundo premio, dotado con con 500 euros, a la obra The Living Language Project de Ori Elisar (Israel) por su uso de la investigación bioartística como puente con la tradición kabalística más pura, en un intento de mostrar la naturaleza viva del alfabeto como respuesta al orden de las cosas y conjunto del Universo.

Además, y dada la elevada calidad de las obras examinadas, se siente obligado a destacar como seleccionados para la exposición final con motivo de la feria Urvanity:

La obra Exploring Extreme Surfaces and Terrains de Chiara Passa (Italia), quien viene realizando una exploración severa sobre las relaciones entre lo real y lo virtual que en esta obra traslada hasta la fisicidad escultórica exprimida en sus posibilidades virtuales.

La obra A Gallery Situation de Caz Egelie (Holanda) por la jocosa representación de las relaciones que pueden establecerse en el entorno de un museo de arte contemporáneo entre las obras y el visitante, cuando aquellas son observadas con la velocidad de crucero de los expertos más impacientes.

Y con esta acta lo hacemos público para mejor conocimiento de todos.

Jury’s decision on IV Open Call for EX Experimental New Media Art Prize

January 5th 2018

As a result of the 4th edition of the electronic and experimental art open call launched by EX, and Urvanity Art Fair, in collaboration with L&A Associates and Veronika VR Solutions, Roberta Bosco, Nilo Casares, Jaime González Lavagne and Arturo Moya Villén , jury of the electronic and experimental art awards, virtually met at 11am.

They unanimously agreed to the following:

Award the first prize and 1,000 euros to the artwork titled The Trained Particles Circus by Patxi Araujo from Spain. The depth and rigor of his research along with the re-visitation of the flea trainer character were the reasons on which this decision was based. The piece proves that Avant-garde art does not necessarily ought to turn its back to solid traditions.

Award the second prize and 500 euros to the artwork titled The Living Language Project by Ori Elisar from Israel. The employment of bio-artistic research as a bridge to the purest kabalistic tradition was the reason on which this decision was based. The piece presents an attempt to show a current nature of the alphabet as a response to the order of things and the universe.

Considering the high level of the applications received, three additional artworks are to be exhibited at Urvanity Art Fair, along with the above awardees. To this purpose, the jury also unanimously agreed to the following.

Select the piece titled Exploring extreme Surfaces and Terrains by Chiara Passa from Italy. The thorough exploration of the dynamics between reality and virtuality was the reason on which this decision was based. Here, a dialogue between sculpture physicality and its potential iteration in the virtual world represents this line of research.

Select the piece titled A Gallery Situation by Caz Egelie from Holland. The humorous portrait of the relations between artworks and contemporary art museum visitors when it occurs in a rush was the reason on which this decision was based.

This meeting minutes shall be made public to better knowledge of everyone connected to this open call.

miembros del jurado IV Open Call EX

EX, Asociación de arte electrónico y experimental,

se complace en anunciar la composición del jurado de la

IV Convocatoria y premios EX

de arte electrónico experimental

Los miembros del jurado de esta cuarta edición de la convocatoria son:

Roberta Bosco, Nilo Casares, Jaime González Lavagne y Arturo Moya Villén

(english below)

Roberta Bosco es una periodista de origen italiano, afincada en España, especializada en arte contemporáneo y cultura digital. Desde 1998 escribe regularmente en el diario EL PAÍS en cuya plataforma online tuvo el blog El Arte en la Edad del Silicio, continuación de CiberP@is, el suplemento semanal del diario dedicado a las nuevas tecnologías. Desde 1994 es corresponsal desde España de Il Giornale dell’Arte, la principal revista de arte italiana. Con Stefano Caldana ha comisariado varias exposiciones de arte electrónico y digital, como Aproximaciones creativas a la Colección Beep de Arte Electrónico abierta hasta el 30 de marzo en el Museo de Reus.


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IV Open Call for EX Experimental New Media Art Prize

EX, electronic and experimental art association, and Urvanity Art Fair

present the

IV Open Call for the “EX” Experimental New Media Art Prize

(spanish below)

EX’s experimental New Media Art Prize and open call reaches its forth edition, and comes with significant news and recognition. First of all, we are very thankful for the support of Madrid’s State Government to EX’s previous call and prize. Our application to Madrid State’s cultural non-profit grant program was selected, which has meant a big deal, and encouraged us to keep working with great commitment and enthusiasm. This program supports initiatives related to dance, music, visual arts, theatre, cinema, and fashion.

Secondly, we are honored to present the 4th open call and prize at Urvanity New Contemporary Art Fair. This collaboration is based on a shared aim to build synergies with various local cultural actors, as well as inspired by a long tradition of intersections between Media Art and the urban context. From seminal Drive-In Music by Max Neuhaus in 1967, to Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s interactive installations in the public space, electronic art has developed its own space for reflection and production. This goal to open up to the urban landscape has crystalized in important advances in the contemporary art field. Urban and electronic art questioning of White Box’s predominance in assigning meaning, has allowed not only to reach out to new audiences but also to offer new environments of encounter between the artistic and the social sphere. As a result of this collaboration and in addition to all eligible media, this year’s open call and prize will specially take into consideration those works conceived as public interventions.

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Fallo del Jurado III Convocatoria y Premio EX de arte electrónico experimental

Fallo del Jurado de la III Convocatoria y Premio EX de arte electrónico experimental

A 10 de enero de 2017

Este jurado EXquisito, formado por  Paulina Bebecka, Nilo Casares, Jaime Lavagne, Arturo Moya Villén y Gerardo Zavarce, para fallar el

III Premio EX de arte electrónico experimental

fruto de la III Convocatoria de arte electrónico y experimental, organizada por EX, patrocinada por Arts Connection y en colaboración con JustMAD JustMAD 8, se reúne en línea a deshoras, aunque encantados por la buena acogida de la convocatoria EX tanto por los países representados, que abarcan un espectro muy amplio, cuanto por la calidad de las obras concurrentes, de menor espectro ya que supone una media muy alta, para:


el Premio en metálico EX de arte electrónico experimental, dotado con dos mil quinientos (2.500) euros, a la obra Far and Near, You and Me de Ting Zhang (República Popular China); porque consigue transformar la magia de los encuentros a distancia en algo tan real como irreales terminan siendo.

El Premio residencia Arts Connection, a la obra Image Don’t Cost a Thing de Iliyana Kancheva (Bulgaria); por devolvernos el juego del espejito, espejito; dime quién es la más bella, a su estadio anterior analógico, el del foto-matón, único lugar en el que encontrar de guardia al hombre invisible.

Para su exposición en Just Tech 17, también selecciona:

La obra Último esfuerzo rural III, de Bosch & Simons (España) por su capacidad para sujetar de manera digital a una cacharrería arcaica que no parece dejarse gobernar por esos bytes recién llegados.

La obra Hourglass de Andrei Thomaz (Brasil), porque frena el vértigo con que ahora ya no vemos nada, para que dejemos de mirar a prisa, y pararnos a ver.

Valga esta acta para mayor conocimiento

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III Open Call and EX Prizes for Experimental New Media Art



III Open Call and EX Prizes for Experimental New Media Art

EX, asociación de arte electrónico y experimental

JUSTMAD7, emerging art fair and

Arts Connection Foundation

present the

III Open Call and “EX” Prizes for Experimental New Media Art

(en castellano más abajo)

Due to the encouraging results viewed in the former two open calls and driven by the commitment expressed by JUSTMAD art fair on their support of electronic art and specially of our association, we make this third call which intends to outgrow the development and innovations settled in the first two. This time with the invaluable sponsorship of Arts Connections Foundation.

We are working towards “normalizing” New Media Art and making it available, on a regular basis on the existing art spaces in Spain. The prior calls and prizes were a complete success both from the point of view of the quality and quantity presented, as for the impact that this art obtained in JustMad 6 and 7. In 2016, JustMad was atended by 25,000 visitors and welcomed 50 galleries from around the globe. Media coverage also reached a high point with hundreds of articles on the press as well as on important TV programs. Thanks to this repercussion EX was invited to participate from november 29 to december 5, on the 10th edition of Pinta Miami – a contemporary fair satelite of ArtBasel – and one of the most important art fairs of iberoamerica.

As a result of the collaboration between EX and JustMAD, EX will also curate a complete section devoted entirely to electronic art within JustMAD8.

This year’s call will offer two prizes, sponsored generously by Arts Connection foundation, in its long support to New Media Art. A 2500 € cash prize and a Residency to be developed at  Arts Connection Foundation spaces at Miami.

The terms of the Residency include:

  • Round-trip airplane ticket
  • One month residency
  • 1000 € for subsistence allowance
  • Access to wifi and audio and video devices
  • Presentation at Miami New Media Festival
  • Personal exhibition at Arts ConnectionFoundation spaces.

The winning works will be exhibited at the New Media section.

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